Frame it!

Trusted experts in photography and art framing in Galesburg, IL

For all your memorabilia and art framing services, you can trust The Frame Works

Get creative with your framing! Do you have a blank wall? A gap where it seems something is missing? Get inspired, do something different, be daring, think about unexpected items you could frame that would make great, interesting pieces for your wall. Ask us for ideas about art framing in our Galesburg, IL store.


At The Frame Works we provide expert framing services in Galesburg, IL for your every framing need. We do everything from start to finish, right here in the shop. Since we opened, we've framed wonderful, valuable, creative, interesting, exciting, beautiful, and some very strange objects!
With custom framing we can create a frame perfect for your needs and specifications. We have special mounting equipment for larger pieces and every kind and color of matting to match or complement everything.
You can trust our expert framers with the delicate framing and reframing of valuable artworks, antique tapestries and heirlooms.


At The Frame Works we know how important your items and the look of your home or business are to you.
We provide expert advice on options for art framing in Galesburg, IL. We carefully preserve your items, present them in the most suitable, fashionable and beautiful ways and to help you ensure that they will look good on your walls with your decor.


At The Frame Works we stock a range of exciting and new products. We have traditional and understated frames, ornate frames, shadowboxes and a host of artistic and creative products and materials for you to have fun with. Everything is archival grade to make sure it lasts longer!
All of our products and materials are chosen with quality, durability and fine aesthetics in mind.
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